Android Debug Bridge

Android Debug Bridge

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a versatile command line tool that lets you connect with 
a device. The ADB command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and 
debugging applications and provides access to the Unix shell that you can use to run a variety
 of commands on your device. Is a client-server program that has three components:
  • A client, who sends commands. The client runs on his development machine. You can 
invoke a client from a command line terminal by issuing an Android Debug Bridge command.

  • A hidden program (ADBD) runs commands on the device. The program runs as a 
background on every device.
  • A server, which manages the communication between the client and the daemon. The 
server acts as a background in your development device.

Android Training in Chandigarh

How Android Debug Bridge works

When an ADB client starts, the client first checks whether an ADB server process is already
 running. If it is not there, it starts the server process. When the server starts, it is connected 
to local TCP port 5037 and listens to commands sent from ADB clients - all ADB clients use
 port 5037 to communicate with the ADB server.
The server then configures the connections to all running devices. Locate the emulators by 
scanning ports with odd numbers in the range of 5555 to 5585, the range used by the first 
16 emulators. When the server finds an ADB daemon, it configures a connection to that port.
 Each emulator uses a pair of following ports: an even-numbered port for console connections
 and an odd-numbered port for ADB connections.
Emulator 1, console: 5554
Emulator 1, ABD: 5555
Emulator 2, console: 5556
Emulator 2, ABD: 5557
and so on…
Once the server has configured connections to all devices, you can use the Android Debug 
Bridge commands to access those devices. Because the server manages connections to devices
 and handles the commands of several Android Debug Bridge clients, you can control any device 
from any client (or from a script).

Enable Android Debug Bridge debugging on your device

To use ADB with a USB-connected device, you must enable USB debugging in the device system
 settings, under Developer Options.
In Android 4.2 and later versions, the developer options screen is hidden by default. To make it 
visible, go to Settings> About phone and touch Compilation number seven times. Return to the 
previous screen to find the developer options below. On some devices, the Developer Options 
screen may be located or labeled differently.

ADB or Android Debug Bridge is a term that you have encountered quite frequently. Every time
 you connect your device to your computer by a cable, or if you browse through the 'Developer
 Options', you will find the term Android Debug Bridge or ADB for short, but what does it mean?
 And what is its purpose? It's a versatile tool that helps your Android device work the way it is, 
for more detailed information, you can visit Android training in Chandigarh.

Tips for Writing an Android Developer Resume

Tips for Writing an Android Developer Resume

Include a resume summary.

 You might want to include a resume summary at the beginning of your resume. A resume 
summary provides a hiring manager with a description of your qualifications for the job,
 including your skills and accomplishments.It might be a few sentences or a bulleted list, 
or both. The summary should briefly demonstrate why you are an main candidate for the job.
Android Training in chandigarh

 Include key accomplishments.  

Underneath each job listing, include a list of not just your job tasks, but also your 
accomplishments. Try to use numbers to appraise those accomplishments.For example,
 you efficiency list the number of apps you have developed, or explain how you fixed a
 particular number or percentage of bugs in an app. These accomplishments show the 
hiring administrator how you might add value to his or her company.
Include a skills list. Technical skills are especially important for an Android developer.
You need to know assorted coding languages, be familiar with APIs, and more. Consider
 including a “Skills” or “Technical Skills” section in your resume that lists all of your 
analogous skills. This will help the employer see, at a glance, that you are qualified.
Edit, edit, edit. Even though technical skills are analytical for an Android developer job,
 you still required a well written resume.
Be sure to thoroughly read through your resume before sending it, proofreading for any 
spelling and grammar errors. Also make sure your formatting is consistent. For example, 
if you use bullet points in one job description, be sure to use bullet points in all other job 
descriptions. Also consider asking a friend, family member, or career counselor to look 
at your resume as well.
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 Live . Learn Android with Android Training in Chandigarh and become Professional

What is AI? History, definition and application?

History of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is approach that can be developed in the beginning of the 50's, in which
 its aspect date is more on Alan Turing's work with Dartmouth Summer Research Project on
 Artificial Intelligence, Can give credit Simon, but AI did not make IBM in Spotlight globally until 
the advent of the Chess Supercomputer Deep Blue, which was the first machine to defeat the
 then World War II chess champion Garry Kasparov in a match in 1996. Algorithms have been
 used on AI data centers and large computers for many years, but have recently been in the 
field of consumer electronics. Learn more information about Android with
 Android Training in Chandigarh.

Android Training in Chandigarh

Definition of artificial intelligence

The definition of artificial intelligence depicts it as a branch of computer science that deals with
 automated intelligent behavior. Here's the hard part: Since you can not definitively define intelligence, 
artificial intelligence cannot be defined exactly. Generally, this term is used to describe systems
 whose purpose is to use machines to stimulate and simulate human intelligence and simulation 
behavior. It can be completed with simple algorithms and predefined patterns, but it can also be 
more complex.

Different types of artificial intelligence

Symbolic or symbol-tamper AI works with abstract symbols that are used to represent knowledge. 
This is the classic AI which follows the idea that human thinking can be renovated at the hierarchical,
 logical level.Here, wisdom is not displayed through symbols, but rather artificial neurons and their
 connections-like a reconstituted brain. Gathering is broken into small pieces-neurons-and then 
connected and made in groups. This approach is known as the bottom-down method which works
 its way from the bottom. Unlike the symbolic AI, a nervous system should be trained and 
stimulated so that the neural network can collect and enhance the experience, so that more 
knowledge can be gathered.Get more knowledge about Android Artificial intelligence  with
 Android Training in Chandigarh.

Neural networks are arranged in layers which are connected to each other through simulate lines. 
The upper layer is the input layer, which acts like a sensor that accepts information to process the 
information and passes it through the bottom. After this there are at least two or more systems-layers
 of more than twenty which are hierarchical above each other and send information and classify
 through connections. Very low is the output layer, which is usually the number of at least artificial 
neurons. It provides data calculated in a machine-readable form, i.e. "a dog picture during the day 
with a red car."

Ways and Tools
There are various tools and methods to implement artificial intelligence for real world scenarios,
 some of which can be used in parallel.All these are to learn the foundation machine, which is 
defined as a system that creates knowledge from experience. This process gives the system 
the ability to detect patterns and laws - and always with increasing speed and accuracy. In learning
 the machine, both symbolic and neural AI are used.

Deep learning is a sub-type of learning machine which is becoming more important now. In this 
case only nerve AI, i.e. neural network is used. Deep education is the foundation of most current 
AI applications. Thanks to the possibility of rapidly expanding the design of neural networks and 
making them more complex and powerful with new layers, deep education is easily scalable and 
suited to many applications.

Here we have  three learning ways for neural network training:
Learning, supervised, supervised, and brace provides many different ways of controlling how 
input makes crave output. While the target values ​​and parameters are not specified in the 
supervised education externally, in unsafe education, the system attempts to identify patterns 
in the input, which has an identifiable structure and can be duplicated. In learning the reinforcement, 
the machine works independently, but is repaid or punished on the basis of success or failure.

In many areas artificial intelligence is already being used, but by no means do they appear in all eyes.
 Therefore, the selection of scenarios that take advantage of the possibilities of this technique is
 not from any complete list.

Artificial intelligent systems are excellent for recognizing, identifying, and categorizing objects 
and individuals on pictures and videos. At that end, simple but CPU-intensive pattern recognition is
 used. Android Training in Chandigarh is the best place to learn android Techniques using 
artificial intelligence.

Firebase in Android

Firebase in Android

Firebase is a mobile and web app development terrace that provides builder with a plenty of tools and services to help them establish good quality applications, grow their customer base, and earn more profit.Get more Knowledge about Android with Android Training in Chandigarh.

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A Brief History - Firebase

Back in 2011, before Firebase was Firebase, it was a associate called Envolve. As Envolve, it provided developers with an API that facilitate the alliance of online chat performance into their website.
What’s attractive is that people used Envolve to pass function data that was more than just chat messages. Developers were using Evolve to sync function data such as a game state in real time beyond their users.
This led the founders of Envolve, James Tamplin and Andrew Lee, to independent the chat organisation and the real time structure. In April 2012, Firebase was developed as a separate company that provided Backend-as-a-Service with real-time functionality.
After it was acquired by Google in 2014, Firebase regularly evolved into the multifunctional beast of a mobile and web platform that it is today.
Features of Firebase in Android
Firebase arrive with batch appearance crucial  for each android app starting from verification to introducing the app.

Below are the advantages using Firebase in general:
> Super easy and quick to implement.
> No server side composition needed. No PHP Scripts and No Database Designs.
> Real time modernize without using GCM.
> Autoscaling inherent
> Can start for free
> Robust APIs for Javascript , iOS, and Android
> Built-in platform for verification assistance like Facebook, Google, and Twitter
> Critical Security Rules model allows us to enforce read/write advantage and data validation throughout the tree

Some of the disadvantages of Firebase can be sum up in the following:
> Need to build indexes manually
> May need to build “event log” manually as well (in separate sub-tree?)
> operation of REST API could be tough on fixed platforms
> Data validation rules do not support complex objects directly (you’d need to validate individual child nodes separately)

Firebase in Android

Develop and test your Android app using Firebase

Real time database

The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync between your users in real time.
The Realtime Database is actually just one big JSON substance that the developers can control in actual time.

Realtime Database => A Tree of Values
With just a single API, the Firebase database provides your app with both the current value of the data and any updates to that data.

Real Time equivalent makes it easy for your users to approach their data from any device, be it web or mobile. Realtime Database also helps your users collaborate with one another.
One more amazing benefit of Realtime Database is that it rapidly with mobile and web SDKs, allowing you to body your apps beyond the need for servers.
When your users go offline, the Realtime Database SDKs use regional cache on the device to deliver and store changes.
The Realtime Database can enclose with Firebase Authentication to provide a easy and affecting authentication process.
  • Collaborate across devices with ease-
  • Build serverless apps
  • Optimized for offline use
  • Strong user-based security

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) provides a dependable and battery-efficient relation between your server and devices that allows you to bring and receive messages and bulletin on iOS, Android, and the web at no cost.

You can send alert messages (2KB limit) and data messages (4KB limit).
Using FCM, you can easily invalid messages using pretended segments or create your own, using statics and behavior. You can send messages to a group of devices that are subscribed to defined topics, or you can get as granular as a single device.

FCM can convey messages directly, or at a future time in the customer local time zone. You can send habit app data like context priorities, sounds, and expiry dates, and also track custom growth events.
The best thing about FCM is that there is barely any coding confusing FCM is completely integrated with Firebase Analytics, giving you detailed engagement and conversion tracking.

Firebase Authentication

Firebase Authentication gives backend administrations, simple to-utilize SDKs, and instant UI libraries to verify clients to your application.

Typically, it would take you months to set up your own particular confirmation framework. What's more, even from that point forward, you would need to keep a devoted group to keep up that framework. Be that as it may, in the event that you utilize Firebase, you can set up the whole framework in less than 10 lines of code that will deal with everything for you, including complex activities like record combining.

You can verify your application's clients through the accompanying techniques:

  • Email and Password
  • Telephone numbers
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • and more!

Utilizing Firebase Authentication makes building secure verification frameworks less demanding, while likewise enhancing the sign-in and onboarding knowledge for end clients.

Firebase Authentication is worked by similar individuals who made Google Sign-in, Smart Lock, and Chrome Password Manager. Learn more information about Firebase with Android Training in Chandigarh.

Android Oreo - Android Training in Chandigarh

Android Oreo

Android 8.1 Oreo is accessible on the Android Open Source Project, and will mount the 
update to element and Nexus accessory. While Google did not disclose a rollout for different 
devices, you can keep path of when you can await an update for your phone . There aren’t a 
extent of new features in Android 8.1 correlated to Android 8.0, but some available changes have 
been made. For example, the preview build a test for grant apps to make a information sound 
only once per second. Autofill is also extremely enhanced in the update. Perhaps the most 
useful change is a body signal for your Bluetooth devices, which will signal next to the 
Bluetooth signal in the Quick Settings. Apart from that, most of the changes are aesthetic. 
Android oreo is an advance and latest technique in Android , get more knowledge with
 Android Training in Chandigarh.

Android Tarining in Chandigarh

Android O Hidden Features You Can Try

 1. External sources
One of the most famous goods you can calling a convert Android component is how 
Android knob the accessions of the apps it can’t trust. Earlier, you could empower a knob 
button in the Developer benefits to grant the installments from anonymous Sources. When this 
right was enabled, essentially every app on the organization could install added apps from
 intercourses, giving an lead to malware.

2. Change Android icons’ shape

The ability to repair the shape of apps is already a widely known Android O feature. It’s simple 
to twist the body of  icons, but the benefits isn’t straight visible in the Settings.

3. Handle Notification Dots

Notification Dots is  one of the Android O features that’s latent, but it continue in front of you. 
The app icons, each of you on the Home screen or the app drawer, import a little colored marker. 
acute and property the icon with a stamps shows the warning and behaviour identify with that app.

4. Notification Channels

Notification Channels allows customers to have a larger direction over how notifications 
shows on their Android devices. Notifications can be celebration into categories, set by the 
developer, and the user can personalize the partition such as High priority, Updated apps, 
Account alerts, etc.

5. Snooze Notifications

With the developing number of apps, the amount of bulletin has also developed. After you see a 
notification, you regularly blow it to civil it from the Notifications shadow. But frequently, you want 
to keep a unusual Notification, absolutely to district it later, but this development the confusion.

6. WiFi Assistant and Google VPN

The WiFi associate, a closed feature in Android Oreo’s WiFi settings is adaptable with Pixel 
and Nexus appliances running Android 5.1 and above. But the Android Oreo comes with 
upgraded WiFi Assistant which helps Android naturally connect to open organization, 
when available, but also attach the device to a Google-back VPN as a security breath.

7. Background Execution limits – Optimize your battery

Android Oreo has been construct to keep an eye on the apps that break in the background 
and expand resources. Presently, only a few apps are modernize to Android API level 26,
 which stroke Android to monitor .

8. Autofill – let Android fill the data for you

Before now, Autofill was a thing we have regularly  associated with web browsers. But with the 
discharge of Android O, Google joined the autofill performance beyond the operating system.
Learn more about  advance oreo with Android Training in Chandigarh.

APK- Android Package Kit

APK- Android Package Kit

Android it develop to me that an APK file was just an extracts, a basic approach that

 you can find in many systems now a day’s. Files are separate from the clippings at

 installation and you can access them via the file-system.

An APK is not a simple archive: the application starts from and uses the APK at runtime. 
This is a abominable decision that will doubtless hurt Android for a long time
Android Training in Chandigarh

 What Is an APK File?

APK stands for Android Package Kit  and also its is called Android Application Package
APK is the file that are used to share and install Android applications. It contains all the aspects 
that an app needs to install accurately on your device for Android Training in Chandigarh.
APK file on your Android device to install an applications and mainly installing apps using APKs 
is called sideloading. Normally when you visit Google Play store to download an application,
 that automatically downloads and installs the APK file. While you can quotation APKs from the
 Play Store, they’re also present to download from different app stores.

What Are APK Files Used For?

Here we have several benefits to installing APKs. One of the greatest is getting access to 
apps earlier of time. When a major Google app releases a major update, it can take a week or
 more for your device to get it.

What is the Problem with the APK format?

we have designed an efficient binary data-structure that is able to answer instant-search queries 
in just a few milliseconds, even with a very big data set (for example with all the world cities’ 
names from Geonames: 3M+ entries). This data-structure is designed to be used directly on 
disk without being copied in memory. To obtain excellent  performance, we use a memory-mapped
 file which is granted on all platforms, exclusively on Linux.

Is the APK so bad? Why did they design it this way?

Android developers select this approach to solve few pitfalls of file-systems. For example about 
analyze achievements problems when you have a lot of little files in one particular folder, or 
reducing the size of applications on the device (resources are compressed in the APK and 
decompressed only when the application uses them, which actually contributes to the sluggish
 image of Android).

Enabling APK On Android

Side deposits an app using APK files is very easy to do on Android device. The only thing you 
have to do is implement Unknown Sources from the privacy settings. Then next launch the
 APK file you want to side load. The next step is normally installing the app which came burden 
in the APK file. Android Training in Chandigarh is the best place to learn android web 
application development. 

For Information Visit:-

Benefits of learning Android Training in Chandigarh

Benefits of learning Android Training in Chandigarh

Android training is in trending now days. Everyone wants to become a best android developers. 
Android training in Chandigarh is the right place to become a good and professional Android developer
 which will help you to get your dream job. Many students have questions about the training center
 that weather their teaching is professional or not, but Android training in Chandigarh is the best 
place to learn android training. The training centre in Chandigarh are the best training center in
 Punjab and Haryana. I will guide you to get Best Android training in Chandigarh. There is so many 
android training centre in Chandigarh but only few are best and known for their professional training.
Android Training in Chandigarh

Now i’ll tell you about the benefits of Android training in Chandigarh:

  • Android covering 82% of Worldwide smartphone market.
  • Android is the platform from which more than 200 million countries are connected.
  • Android gives the easy way to get Music, Videos, Apps, Games, Movies and many more.
  • Most of the industries, MNCs, Hospitals, Banks, Website developer and other companies are using Android.
  • Android training gives you the chance to earn lot of money from your knowledge.
  • Android developing cost less investment.
  • Android Developer can earn up-to millions with less investment.
  • Best IT company demanding android developers and it’s increasing day by day.

Android Application Development Training Program

  • Expand & production your very own Android application.
  • Learn how Android applications work – applications lifecycle, configuration intents, files and activities.
  • Get a well operating comprehension of Android UI –layouts, components, screen orientation and event handling.
  • Get performing artistry of Android custom UI components.
  • Get a able intimacy with broadcast acceptor & android services.
  • Appreciate Android associate capability such as for example Java XML, Java Sockets and JSON.
  • Discover basic Android applications that act as an running detail regarding the topics enclosed in class.

Course Curriculum Started with Android

  • Android Application fundamentals
  • Android Activities & tasks
  • Layouts  & Components
  • Working on resources of Android
  • Layouts & views
  • Working on  interaction events of Android
  • Achieve of resources & grouping

Creating menus on Android

  • Internal Styles & themes
  • Creating dialogs, adding menus & icons

Working with notifying the users

  • Working with debugging applications
  • All Intent & intent filters
  • Using of Toast, Status bar, dialog notification

SQL database

  • Working with  sqlite
  • Sqlite open helper & creating a database
  • Opening & closing

Content providers

  • Content provider mime types of Android
  • Searching for content on applications
  • All editing in Adding, changing, &  removing content

Graphics & Animations

  • Playing with  graphics in Android
  • xml driven Drawing in Android
  • Best practice  on Canvas drawing
  • Pro grammatically animations
  • Tweened animations
Accessing Android hardware
  • Working with  the media apps
  • Working with  the camera
  • Working with  the accelerometer & compass
  • Working with  Blue-tooth
  • Animations
  • Location Services (GPS, Google MapView, Telephony, SMS)

Career scope Android Development Training:

  • Opportunity for the android application developers of mobile devices has developed to a 
great anxiety. Out of all the mobile operating systems, the mobile operating system that is rising 
in popularity and revenue rates is the Android operating system. Best program in android for 
course and job at Chandigarh
  • After conclusion of classroom training, student is surely going major projects training
 and some projects that is live training the advice of your Well experienced Android developers.
 Learn Android Training in Chandigarh.